Guided Meditations

Being in the Now
Spend a few minutes opening to your life exactly as it is. For these few moments you don't have to...
Beginning Meditation
If you're brand new to meditation, start here:...
A Three-Part Guided Meditation
I’ve got something different for you this week—a...
Noticing Everyday Gratitude Meditation
We've all heard that being thankful is good for...
Meditation for Managing Angry Emotions
Anger can be one of the most challenging...
Silent Meditation with Bells at 5, 10, & 15 Minutes
This meditation is unguided—it's simply silence...
Mindfully Unloading the Dishwasher
Anything we do is an opportunity to be in our...
Five Senses Meditation With a Clementine
We can use any activity as an opportunity to be...
How to Meditate in One Minute
We can practice meditation wherever we are and...
Meditation in Bed
This 11-minute meditation encourages letting go...
Connecting to Your Strength
We often forget the strength that is ours...
Brief Sitting Meditation
The breath is the most common target of our...