Ep. 06: Dr. Angela Duckworth - How to Find a Passion That Inspires Extraordinary Effort
Angela summarized what her research has revealed in her book entitled Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance. Angela is forthcoming in her book—and in our discussion—about how her personal experiences have informed her understanding of grit.
In this episode we discuss how hard work is only half of the grit equation, and that finding one’s passion is just as important. We also explore how to go about finding your passion, which can be the most challenging part of building grit.
Grit is now available in paperback and can be purchased on Amazon (please note this is an affiliate link, meaning a percentage of the sale will support the Think Act Be podcast, at no additional expense to you):

Photo: University of Pennsylvania
Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance
Angela Lee Duckworth, PhD, is the Christopher H. Browne Distinguished Professor of Psychology at the University of Pennsylvania, and Founder and CEO of Character Lab, a nonprofit with a mission to advance the science and practice of character development.
Angela has given a TED Talk and is a MacArthur Fellow (better known as the “Genius Grant”). She has advised the World Bank, the White House, NBA and NFL teams, and Fortune 500 CEOs. Her first book, Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance, is a #1 New York Times best seller.
Learn more about Angela and her work and access free resources at her Character Lab website.
What an excellent and inspirational interview! I look forward to hearing more of your informative and interesting podcasts. Thanks for all you do!
Aw, thanks so much, Arlene! I just started your excellent book and can’t wait to discuss it with you.
I can’t download using my android phone i’ve tried using different browsers what’s up.?
Hmm, not sure, Job. Sorry for the trouble. Maybe try it through iTunes (https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/think-act-be-aligning-thought-action-and-presence/id1419082632) or another podcast player like Spotify?
Is there a transcript of the show for people who are hard of hearing?
I wish there were, Mary. Unfortunately at this point I have limited resources for transcripts. Hopefully in the future! Thanks for asking.