Ep. 221: Dr. James Hollis — Midlife 1. Discovering What the Gods Are Asking of You in Midlife
My guest this week is Dr. James Hollis, a therapist and author of many books, including Finding Meaning in the Second Half of Life: How to Finally, Really Grow Up (affiliate link).
Topics we discussed included:
- Common struggles one tends to experience in midlife
- The part of our psyche (soul) that knows us better than we know ourselves
- The agenda of the first and second halves of an average-length life
- Why certain issues tend to arise at midlife and not sooner
- The Buddha’s experiences before and after enlightenment
- Missing out on the opportunity to find a different solution to unaddressed problems
- Asking metaphorically what the gods intend through us
- Living in harmony with our inevitable mortality
- The Self working to overthrow the ego
- Asking what the symptoms we’re having are pointing to or asking of us
- Depression as a reorienting of energies when we’re at odds with ourselves
- Why popular culture ideas about intimate relationships tend to lead to unhappiness
- The contrasting realities of “being in love with” and loving another person
- What it means to leave one’s family of origin for the second time
- The projection that is part of the origin of any relationship
- The growth that often comes through challenges and pain
- The cost to ourselves and our loved ones of denying our calling
- Aligning vocation with one’s work life
- How to successfully navigate the challenges of midlife

Photo by Oxana Holtmann
James Hollis, PhD, is a Jungian analyst based in Washington, DC.
He is the author of many books, including his latest, A Life of Meaning (affiliate link).
Find Jim online at his website.